How to underline headings in microsoft word
How to underline headings in microsoft word

Select the appropriate heading level in the Styles group. Text selected to be formatted with a heading styleģ. (Or, move your cursor to a blank line where you want to type your new heading during the next step.) Figure 2.

how to underline headings in microsoft word

Select the text you want to turn into a heading.

#How to underline headings in microsoft word how to#

The next section explains how to customize the built-in heading styles.ġ. The following steps show how to create headings using Word’s built-in styles. How to Create Headings Using Word’s Built-In Heading Styles If you only use a large font size for headings, people with vision impairment who use screen readers will have less information about how your document is organized.* Most importantly, screen reading software can identify your heading hierarchy based on Word’s styles.

  • Create bookmarks in a PDF using Adobe Acrobat.
  • Create an automatic or custom table of contents.
  • For example, Word’s heading styles help you perform the following tasks: However, you won’t have access to several important features if you use a large font size rather than Word’s official heading styles. You can make any text in Word look like a heading by using a large font size.

    how to underline headings in microsoft word how to underline headings in microsoft word

    How to Customize Word’s Built-In Heading Stylesīefore jumping to the tutorial, let’s discuss the importance of using Word’s heading styles.How to Create Headings Using Word’s Built-In Heading Styles.Do you want to create your own custom heading styles separate from Word’s built-in styles? Check out “ How to Create a Custom Heading Style in Microsoft Word” and “ How to Create a Custom Heading Style in Microsoft Word for Mac.”

    How to underline headings in microsoft word